Group size: max. 4 persons or individual
Language: English
Location: @school or online
Duration: 3 days
Planned group days in English:
#1: 08, 15 & 22 Feb '25: only 1 spots left!
#2: 15, 22 & 29 March '25:
#3: 05, 12 & 19 April '25:
or ask for individual dates
Time: 10.00-17.00
Total hours: 21
Level: Beginner (Fase I)
One time payment 2024:
€ 750,- total
€ 630,-* tuition fee &
€ 120,-* stud. service & amenities fee
or BTC: 0,025
or Instalments 2024:
€ 795,- total
2x € 337,50* tuition fee &
€ 120,-* stud. service & amenities fee
*VAT exempt
Without automatic payment + 2%
Training: no need
Application: no need
Condition: own (SLR) camera or borrow one of ours, laptop, Adobe trial membership
(see technical conditions)
Lesson 01: Twice per month, every month
Lesson 02: Twice per month, every month
Lesson 03: Twice per month, every month
Included: materials and equipment, 65% discount for Adobe Student membership, tea and coffee
Not included: Adobe membership, laptop, lunch, batteries.
(10.00-17.00 and 750 euro all-in) next Course 05, 12 & 19 April ’25: 3 spots left!!
Enhance Your Skills with our Basic Photography & Film Course in Amsterdam!
Enroll in our Basic Photography Course and become a part of our Group Course! Prefer a more personalized approach? Opt for individual sessions tailored to your schedule and needs. Same costs as the group sessions so 750 euro all-in for 21 hours. Classes are preferably at school and run from 10.00 till 17.00. Price per hour is 35 euro incl tea/coffee, documents. Group lessons in English, 1:1 can also be in Dutch.
With flexible scheduling options spanning 3 days, our course covers essential techniques for budding photographers, equipping you with the confidence and expertise to master your digital or film camera. Dive into comprehensive insights covering technical aspects and artistic composition. Perfect for beginners or those transitioning from film to digital photography, this course aims to demystify your camera and introduce fundamental Adobe Photoshop techniques, empowering you to capture moments effortlessly.
Our curriculum includes hands-on photo sessions, enabling practical application of theoretical knowledge.
What to Expect:
• Day 1: Delve into camera functionalities, focusing on exposure, ISO, depth of field, movement, and composition, ensuring optimal usage.
• Day 2: Explore advanced composition and visual storytelling techniques. Engage in a photography walk through the City center, maximizing your camera skills and knowledge.
• Day 3: Acquire essential Photoshop and Lightroom skills. Learn image production, correction, manipulation, layering, color balancing, and retouching to refine your photographs.
During day two, engage in a captivating street photography project, refining and analyzing your work throughout the day. Culminate your journey on the last day by curating your portfolio through post-production and presenting it to peers and instructors.
Upon successful completion, receive a certificate granting access to our professional F3Y Course.
Join our 3-day Basic Photography Course for a comprehensive understanding of your camera, composition, Amsterdam, and elevate your portfolio to new heights!
Often we hear the question “Why still film, I have a digital camera and I’m not planning to work analogue”. But to really learn photography, you have to learn it from the ground up, and darkroom principles are at the core of photography. When you use photoshop, but also to understand the real meaning of contrast, even when you work in the Studio. And really.. you will love it.
Selfies, Instagram, pictures with your phone, tablet, GoPro, compact camera or D-SLR.
But how do you post process them? Learning to do that with Photoshop will improve the quality of your images.
But also understanding how your digital camera works, being able to read a histogram, so you’ll never under or overexpose anymore.
Sometimes it can be incredible hard to see how you could develop yourself more. Sometimes you are stuck. Then it helps to talk to a professional, get guidance, feedback or input. This cohort is a two times meeting with your mentor to discuss your progress and help you to find new ways. Two times three or three times two hours. Homework will be included in this Course. Possible joining online or @school.
To benefit the most of this Course it would be great if you have your own digital SLR/MFT camera. If you have a compact, it should at least have the option to select the Manual mode. Otherwise you can work with one of our cameras. Of course during the analogue part we have lots of cameras to work with. If you want to work on your own laptop, you should have Creative Cloud software.
You will learn how your camera works. Aperture, shutter speed and ISO, and how they relate to each other. But the most important moment is when you use this knowledge, to improve the quality of your images.
Vanishing point, DOF, perspective, the decisive moment and movement. And let’s not forget.. walk instead of zoom.
Working in a studio and being in control over your lighting circumstances is fun. To see how a portrait changes when you change the softbox for a snoot. Being able to create Low-key or High-key pictures, with a sense of drama or crispiness. And all based on histogram reading. Maybe your start as fashion photographer?
We want to keep your first time in the Darkroom simple and it should be fun. So we invented a new way of analogue printing. You only need to bring a mobile device, preferably your phone, but a tablet will also do. You will print your own images but by an hybrid proces that we a few years ago successfully developed. Start creating your own analogue experience! Our 3 hour workshop costs 85 euro per person.
The Basic Summercourse is for anyone who is interested in photography. A great way to learn how to work with your camera and at the same time enjoying beautiful Amsterdam during the Summer. In a small group, you will learn about visual language, digital technique, studio and even B&W analogue photography. Printing in our Darkroom included.
When you want to join our Darkroom Lounge you need to have a bit of experience with analogue printing. Also you need to bring your own analogue B&W negatives to the Lounge. We provide the paper, chemicals, [13x18cm] enlargers, trays & tongs. The membership is for one evening and the size per evening is max. 2 people. So there is enough personal attention to make good analogue prints that will shine on your wall! Our 3 hour training costs 150 euro per person. See you!
Ook dit jaar organiseren we diverse allround basiscursussen voor beginners in de fotografie. In deze 3 daagse intensieve basiscursus fotografie leer je niet alleen hoe je camera werkt, maar ook hoe je het maximale eruit kan halen. Op deze manier leer je vanaf de basis alle vaardigheden die je als fotograaf nodig hebt, of het nu in de studio of in Photoshop/Lightroom of Instagram is. Dag 1 is op school en leer je alles over je camera, hoe die te gebruiken, welke keuzes te maken. Op dag 2 ga je op pad met de docent en werk je aan je fotografie project. Op dag drie doen we post-productie. Alle beelden gemaakt gedurende de opleiding worden vakkundig in Photoshop/Lightroom/NX verwerkt en evt bewerkt. Deze basiscursus fotografie is de ideale opstap naar een beroepsopleiding fotografie. Ook deze cursus geven we in het Nederlands.
A selfportrait
made by
Madeleine Bolle
for the module Photographic Development I
(First Year) as part of a serie portraits.
ISO 400 – 1/40 sec – F. 4.0 – 50mm f/1.4
natural light use