Group size: max. 2 persons or individual
Language: English or German or Dutch
Date: any moment just call us
Location: @Amsterdam
Duration: 3 hours
Level: Beginner or Advanced (Fase I)
One time payment 2025:
€ 150,- for one person
€ 250,- for two people
*automatic payment and excl. 0% VAT
Without automatic payment + 2%
Training: no need
Application: no need
Condition: own digital camera or borrow one of ours.
Street Photography is so much fun! It can be challenging, for instance making pictures of people you just met. The interaction with the people, weather, equipment, composition, storytelling. Their behaviour. Or when you enjoy architecture, how do you portray the buildings? What do you do with the light?
The beautiful city center of Amsterdam will be your studio. You will experience the City in a completely different way. This workshop is perfect for developing your photography skills and to show your friends how the city of Amsterdam brought out the best of you. Make not only photos of flowers, markets, people or the famous bikes! It all there and you can enjoy a guided walk with one of our teachers. And the best thing is that our teachers know the good spots, not the common ones, but also the ones that only locals now. Meet each other at school, have a coffee or tea and then go for a nice 3 hour walk, that will definitely meet your requirements. The maximum size is 2 people. Costs 150 euro for one, 250 for two.
When you want to join our Darkroom Lounge you need to have a bit of experience with analogue printing. Also you need to bring your own analogue photographic paper to the Lounge. The enlargers we work with are made for 24×36 mm negatives. The membership is for one evening and the size per evening is max. 2 people. So there is enough personal attention to make good analogue prints that will shine on your wall!
You send us an e-mail, app, call or immediately BOOK when you want to plan a Street Photography day. We will charge students a membership of 150 euro and that will give you one morning or afternoon walk. We start at 10.00 till 13.00 or 14.00 till 17.00. We can provide a good camera if you don’t have one. Costs 150 for one and 250 for two.
Exposing a picture correctly is the same as filling a glass with water. Doubling the amount by opening your aperture or extending your shutter speed will give you twice as much exposure. Use the aperture and shutter speed settings on your camera to make a technically good exposed photograph. During our basic course photography you will learn how to work with these settings and finally to shoot only in the manual mode.
Maybe after this Lounge you even want to know more? Want to learn how your camera works? How to improve your images and even how it is to work both digital and analogue? Always wanted to work in a studio but never knew how? Join us in our upcoming 3Day intensive Basic Course.
The Basic Summercourse is for students living abroad. Three contiguous days, for anyone who is interested in photography. A great way to learn how to work with your camera and at the same time enjoying beautiful Amsterdam during the Summer. In a small group, you will learn about visual language, digital technique, studio and even B&W analogue photography.
We want to keep your first time in the Darkroom simple and it should be fun. So we invented a new way of analogue printing. You only need to bring a mobile device, preferably your phone, but a tablet will also do. You will print your own images but by an hybrid proces that we a few years ago successfully developed.
Start creating your own analogue experience!
ABOUT the FOTOfactory
Our Photography and Film courses are already more than 25 Years respected by our students. We helped a lot of people all over the world to start a successful professional career as photographer. International Institute of Photography the FOTOfactory is the most prestigious private educational Institute in the Netherlands, with English or Dutch spoken photography and film courses and workshops. Our students come from all over the world to study photography at different levels. Our courses are presented in a relaxed atmosphere where student involvement is encouraged, feedback is important, and the instructors are always available to answer questions. We teach digital photography, as well as analogue photography. Post-production on a computer or in the darkroom, both is optional. We provide courses or training sessions in small groups or on an individual basis. So develop yourself at the FOTOfactory!
You can book one of our Courses here
OVER the FOTOfactory (dutch)
Of het nu een basiscursus fotografie, studiofotografie training, analoge workshop of een darkroom experience is, bij the FOTOfactory ben je op de juiste plaats. We geven zowel Nederlandse als Engelse trainingen, in groepsverband of 1:1. Meestal zijn onze lessen van 10.00 tot 17.00 uur, volle intensieve dagen waardoor je ook snel progressie maakt. Kun je alleen in de avonduren dan zijn daar ook mogelijkheden voor. Onze docenten zijn gepokt en gemazeld in hun vak en verzorgen al jaren trainingen. Dit draagt bij tot het hoge opleidingsnivo. Ook de productieve en menselijke benadering van het werken met visuele media geeft creëert een prettige werkomgeving. Feedback gebeurd op een respectvolle manier en de trainers staan altijd vol enthousiasme klaar voor onze studenten. Je medestudenten komen uit alle landen van de wereld en dat maakt het studeren bij ons nog leuker en beter. Elke cultuur kijkt en evalueert beeld namelijk anders. Omdat er bij ons op school vaak naar je foto’s gekeken wordt en ook veel over gediscussieerd wordt, leer je dus ‘wereld’ fotograaf te denken en werken. Dit geeft je een nog beter fundament in je latere fotografie carriere.
Hello…. Can you introduce yourself? I am Japanese and staying this country for three and half years.
I am working as a fashion trend reporter and studying photography in this school now.
How long are you studying at Ff? I was joining the summer course in 2013 for a week, then I applied for the three years course. Now I am a second year student. Totally studying two and half year.
What do you like at the FF? Strong points? Bad points? I really like this school. We could study techniques of all kind of cameras including pinhole camera, view camera and of course analogue camera, all in a very professional way. And also we could study about history of the photography and as well as the theory of the it. Strong points are that we can find the way of our own photography, technical and conceptual.
Bad points… I couldn’t find it!
What kind of photographer would you like to become? I would like to become a contemporary photographer.
Did it change you to study photography? Yes, very much! My life is going to be more wealthy in so many ways.
How do you see your future? I will keep working as a fashion trend reporter, being skills what I am learning now and going to shift for contemporary photographer little by little I am imagining now.
Anything you want to add? Ff is super great school for me to study what photography is and I could learn what I want to take, sometime really difficult to express by my self, but many great teachers help me and they brash up my photography. And many friends in this school discuss about our works and could have to think many possibilities!
A advertisement
made by
Daniel Lewensztain
for the module Photographic Development II
(Second Year) as part of a serie advertisements.
ISO 400 – 1/60 sec – F. 4.0 – 50mm f/1.4
natural light use
photoshop use